Our reason for being

Crossfire exists to show the love of God to folks in tight places by providing no-cost groceries, clothing and care.

Jesus-centered through and through.


The good that Crossfire does in Colorado Springs is good that springs from a desire to serve people the way Jesus taught. He was clear with his earliest followers: food, clothing, care and community are the Matthew 25 values that would mark his followers for millennia. Matthew 25:31-46 spells it out.

It’s that kind of service Crossfire brings to our neighbors. It’s the kind of service our volunteers labor to represent. And it’s the kind of loving service we desire our guests to experience.

What’s in a name?

Our name—Crossfire—can be surprising, yet it is rooted in two biblical ideas.

The “cross” was the place of great sacrifice: Jesus sacrificing his life for the joy of bringing people everywhere to God.

“Fire” is a symbol of passion—of lives burning with energy to do God’s good.

When you think of Crossfire, think of passionate people willing to sacrifice for the benefit of others, just as Jesus sacrificed his life for others.

Join the team

Current Employment Opportunities:

There are no current employment opportuities. Please check back as this may change often.

Leadership & Staff

  • Renee Beebe


    Renee leads Crossfire’s ministry and sets its vision for the future. She carries a broad load of responsibilities, but her passion is clear.

    “I love seeing the collaborative efforts from our church partners, local businesses, other non-profits and our volunteers that come together to make Crossfire a place where guests are not only provided with daily necessities, but they are loved on and are given a glimmer of hope as they navigate life. I am blessed with the opportunity I have been given to pour love into our city through Crossfire.” 

  • John Miller


    Crossfire’s roots were planted in John’s heart to serve Colorado Springs.

    “We wanted Crossfire to be an easily accessible way for people to take advantage of our services and to share the love and life available in Jesus. The fact that it comes through an incredible group of volunteers makes this ministry even more effective. We are seeing love break chains that hold people back.”

  • Amy Dunbar


    Amy trains and coordinates Crossfire’s volunteer staff of over 250. What fills her heart about Crossfire?

    “Working with Crossfire’s volunteer family is such a privilege and joy for me. I meet the most incredible people, whether I’m recruiting new volunteers or serving alongside current ones. God’s children are a constant blessing to me.”

  • Shelly Mason


    I am so grateful God has led me to Crossfire. The ministry’s leadership team and volunteers have the most incredible hearts serving our community and inspiring hope. I am honored to serve along side them, to help our guests feel significant, to been seen, heard and loved!

Crossfire’s Board

Crossfire’s board comprises a broad array of expertise aligned for guidance and support of the ministry.

  • Joel Malick


    “I serve at Crossfire because I love to see the Lord change lives. When people are hurting and in need, they may not walk into a church first. Crossfire is uniquely positioned to introduce the love of Jesus to those in need as part of the ministry of the Church.”

    Please feel free to email Joel

  • Debbie O'Toole


    “I absolutely love how Crossfire Ministries serves the people in our community, meeting not only physical needs but spiritual needs as well. What we do matters and it matters every day.”

    Please feel free to email Debbie

  • Leslie Miller


    “Christ is our all-consuming fire.  We were called to start Crossfire Ministries to bring the good news of salvation to a lost and dying world.  By serving the physical needs of those in our community, we are also able to seize the opportunity to show and witness the love of Christ. We have walked in faith from the beginning that God would supply all our needs according to His riches in glory.  We give Him all the glory and honor for where He is brought Crossfire and for how He has cared for our personal needs.”

  • Michelle Dickerson


    “I serve at Crossfire because I love being a part of seeing lives changed from the services we provide! Crossfire’s volunteers bring love and care to people on an everyday basis.”

  • Paul Moede



    “Crossfire meets real needs in a way that transcends the myriad of qualifiers that can separate us. I love being part of a ministry that does so much good through the simplicity of its vision.”

  • Frank Keller


    “It has been my privilege to observe firsthand the ways Crossfire Ministries unselfishly offers assistance to individuals and families who are experiencing financial hardships through no-cost groceries, clothing, helpful training classes, and community resources. It is one of the most life-impacting and appreciated local services available in the Pikes Peak region.”

  • Corrie Smith


    “Tirelessly serving hundreds of neighbors each week, I've seen firsthand that Crossfire is committed to this community and believes in the dignity and value of people. I am honored to serve at Crossfire because I believe services like no-cost groceries, clothing, and utility assistance can be life-changing.”