Join with the churches who show the goodness of God through the goodness of his people.
Crossfire is a ministry hotspot for church partnerships. Crossfire is stocked with ready-made opportunities to meet practical needs that unleash church members for practical acts of service prompted by hearts of compassion.
“We are so grateful for Crossfire; they are setting the table for Churches to be engaged in God’s mission”
One-day food events
Crossfire can anchor your church with box trucks ready to receive non-perishable donations including toiletries. Churches have seen blocks-long line-ups of church members eager to drop off food purchased in bulk, gathered from home pantry shelves or collected by kids in neighborhood food drives. You’ll be amazed at the excitement these heartfelt events create!
Small group service
When small groups or Sunday school classes volunteer together, love for others becomes tangible.
Let Crossfire create opportunities for your community groups to grow through service at our safe and accessible central location.
Co-create a partnership
Crossfire’s commitment to local churches is a heart to provide meaningful outreach around life’s most pressing needs: food, clothing and practical care.
Your church doesn’t have to create programs from scratch. Conversely, we won’t partner with you in a canned “plug-and-play” fashion. Instead, your church can come to Crossfire to co-create partnerships and events that fit your culture and vision.
Become a church partner
Our Executive Director is eager to share how churches have partnered with Crossfire and explore how we can serve your church through compassionate acts of service.